We have diversified forms of partnerships

We believe young people in Mali can be champions of change when given the right opportunities and we are not alone;
our partners believe so too

Interested in getting involved?

Our most successful partnerships involve a number of different tactics. Here are a handful of ways you can support us.


Contribute to ongoing programs, initiatives, or the tools that make our work possible.


Rally your colleagues, friends and customers to fundraise or help spread the word.


Help shine a bigger spotlight on issues the youth face and the impact of our work.

Types of partnerships


Become one of our finacial sponsors. You can give directly to one of our programs or contriubute to our operating costs. Please get in touch should you have any questions.


Are young people’s political and economic empowerment of policy concern to your orgnaization? Help us ensure that the needs and demands of young people are taken into account in policy design and implementation in Mali. 

Implementation Partnerships

Is there a program that’s particuarly interesting to you? We are always looking to create coalitions around the issues we are tackling. Please get in touch with us to share your ideas. 

Our Work

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